Last Updated:
17 October 2014



Messages and Photos


The summer of 2007 & 2008 has seen a huge spike in retirements from our classmates. I would encourage you to send any additional photos, messages or stories about any of the boys, and I will post them.

Last updated 17 October 2014 - added Hisdal

Addison, RRMC/RMC and
Retirement Photos

Amirault, RRMC/RMC

Anderson, Brent RRMC/RMC

Anderson, Neil RRMC/RMC

Barrett, RMC

Bergstrand, RMC

Cargo, RMC

Caron, CMR


Drummond, RRMC/RMC

Falloon, RRMC/RMC and
Retirement Photos

Gaudreau, CMR

Gillespie, RMC

Greavette, RMC

Hache, RMC

Hisdal, RRMC/RMC

Istchenko, RRMC/RMC

Kilburn, RRMC/RMC

Maisonneuve, RMC and Retirement Photos

Martin, RMC

McKenna, RMC

McManus, RMC and
2007 Change of Command and
Retirement Photos

McNeil, RMC

Murphy, RRMC/RMC

Neil, RRMC/RMC and
Retirement Photos

Parks, CMR/RMC

Smith, Kevin, RMC

Swain, RRMC/RMC and
Retirement Photos

Taylor, RRMC/RMC

Uchiyama, RMC

Walker, RRMC/RMC

Wall, RRMC/RMC and
Retirement Photos